Features and Pricing

More ways to ask, more ways to send and more standout features to tackle any project. Q-Fi gives you and your team command of the tools you need, at a reasonable price.


Key Account Information
Professional Survey Themes

Access professionally designed survey themes to enhance the visual appeal of your surveys for a polished look.

24/7 live chat

Instant live chat support available 24/7 for real-time assistance.

Survey Analysis

Conduct in-depth analysis of survey data, exploring trends, patterns, and correlations for informed decision-making.

Add Teams

Collaborate by adding multiple team members to work on surveys collectively.

Adding Multimedia(Audio, Video, Images)

Incorporate diverse media formats into survey questions and content.

Advanced permissions

Customize user access and permissions for survey editing and viewing.

All languages supported

Survey platform accommodates surveys in multiple languages.

Automatic redirect(survey completion redirect)

Redirect respondents upon survey completion automatically.

Customer Success Manager

Have a dedicated customer success manager for personalized support and guidance.

Real time survey report

Access survey results and reports in real-time, providing immediate insights into respondent data and trends.

Save as you go

Enable an autosave feature that saves survey progress as respondents navigate through the survey, preventing data loss.

Survey look and feel

Customize the visual appearance and design of surveys to align with branding and enhance the user experience.

Google Spreadsheets Integration

Integrate survey data seamlessly with Google Spreadsheets for collaborative analysis.

Survey Templates

Utilize pre-designed survey templates for quick and efficient survey creation, ensuring consistency and best practices.


Set timers for survey pages to manage respondent time and engagement.

24/7 Phone

Accessible customer support via phone around the clock.

Accept Payments

Facilitates the collection of payments within the survey process.


Integrate surveys with external systems and applications.


Trigger custom actions in external systems based on survey events.


Translate survey content, emails, and responses into multiple languages.

Data Center Location

opt for a specific data center location for hosting surveys, ensuring compliance and performance.

Custom Question Developers Kit

Access a kit for developing custom survey questions with advanced features.

Recurring surveys

Set up surveys to run at scheduled intervals for ongoing data collection

Library Sharing

Access a shared library of survey elements, questions, or templates for collaborative survey creation and standardization.

Shared templates

Utilize shared templates for surveys to maintain consistency across different projects or survey initiatives.

Shared themes

Apply shared themes to maintain consistent branding and styling across multiple surveys.

Live Training

Access live training sessions or resources for effective survey utilization.

Multi-lingual Surveys

Create surveys in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience.

Panel Manager

Manage and organize survey panels efficiently for targeted data collection.

Custom domain

Utilize your own custom domain for survey links, allowing you to brand surveys with a personalized and professional appearance.

Custom Scripting

Implement custom scripting for advanced survey functionalities and interactivity.

Question Types
Radio List

Radio buttons allow respondents to select one option from a list of choices. Only one option can be chosen.


Textbox questions provide a single-line or multi-line text input field for respondents to type their answers.

Collect contact information

Include fields in surveys to collect and store contact information from respondents.

Custom Matrix / Flex Matrix

Design custom matrices or flexible matrices to gather specific types of data.


Map questions often ask respondents to pinpoint a location on a map or provide geographic information.

Word Highlighter

Respondents can highlight specific words or phrases in a given text or passage.


Pairing questions ask respondents to match items from two lists, creating pairs or associations.

File Upload

Respondents can upload files or documents as part of their survey response.

Language Selection

Language selection questions allow respondents to choose their preferred language for the survey.

Checkbox List

Checkbox lists allow respondents to select multiple options from a list of choices. They can select as many options as they want.

Single-select Buttons

Single-select buttons are similar to radio buttons and allow respondents to choose a single option from a set of choices presented as buttons.

Multi-select Buttons

Multi-select buttons allow respondents to choose multiple options from a set of choices presented as buttons.


A listbox presents a list of choices from which respondents can select one or more options using a dropdown or scrolling menu.

Auto Complete

Auto-complete questions often come with a text input field that suggests options as respondents type. It's useful for gathering specific information or confirming a choice.

Star Rating

Star rating questions ask respondents to rate something on a scale of stars, typically from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating.

Radio Grid

A radio grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents select one option from each row.

Checkbox Grid

A checkbox grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents can select multiple options from each row.

Grid Single-select Buttons

This combines a grid format with single-select buttons, where respondents choose one option from each row and column intersection.

Grid Multi-select Buttons

Similar to the grid single-select buttons, but respondents can choose multiple options from each row and column intersection.

Single Slider

A single slider allows respondents to select a value along a single continuous scale, typically by dragging a slider handle.

Emoticon Slider

Emoticon sliders use emoticons or emojis to capture respondents' feelings or opinions on a particular subject.

Number Ranking

Respondents assign numerical rankings to items in a list, typically using numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions assess customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking respondents to rate their likelihood of recommending a product or service on a scale.

Categorical slider

Utilize a slider for respondents to provide feedback on a range of categorical options.

Custom HTML questions

Incorporate custom HTML code within survey questions for enhanced formatting and functionality.

Drag and Drop

Easily reorder survey elements and questions using a drag-and-drop interface.

Video Recording

Video recording questions enable respondents to record video responses, which can be useful for gathering qualitative insights.

Text Highlighter

Similar to the word highlighter, but respondents can highlight entire sentences or paragraphs.


Drawing questions allow respondents to sketch or draw their responses, often used for creative or visual input.

Video Analyzer

Video analyzer questions allow respondents to analyze or provide feedback on a video clip.


A carousel question type allows respondents to swipe or scroll through a series of images or items and make selections or ratings for each.


Dartboard questions may ask respondents to "throw darts" to select options randomly or based on chance.

Venn Slider

Venn sliders visually represent overlapping categories or preferences for respondents to adjust.

Claims Testing

Claims testing questions assess respondents' reactions to advertising claims or statements.

Image List

Image lists provide a set of choices represented by images instead of text. Respondents can select one or more images.

Grid Textbox

This combines a grid format with text input fields, where respondents can provide text responses for each intersection of rows and columns.

AI Open-end Prompt

AI open-end prompts incorporate artificial intelligence to generate follow-up questions or responses based on respondents' previous answers, fostering interactive surveys.

Multi-Item Slider

Multi-item sliders allow respondents to allocate a fixed total among multiple items on a scale, often used for budgeting or preference allocation.

Grid Slider

A grid slider combines a grid format with a slider interface for respondents to rate or rank items.

Grid Multi-Item Slider

Similar to the grid slider but allows respondents to allocate values across multiple items in a grid format.

Grid Listbox

A grid listbox combines a grid format with a dropdown or scrolling menu for respondents to make selections.

Drag & Drop Ranking

Respondents can drag and drop items to rank them in order of preference or importance.

Click Ranking

Respondents click on items to rank them in order of preference or importance.


The optimizer question type helps respondents make selections based on optimization criteria, such as cost, benefit, or preference.


Computation questions may involve mathematical calculations or formula-based responses.

Sample Variable

Sample variable questions collect demographic or profiling information about respondents.

Exit Variable

Exit variable questions are used to determine the reason a respondent chooses to exit a survey prematurely.

Card Sort

Card sort questions involve arranging items or cards into categories or groups to gather insights into organization or grouping preferences.

Date & Time

Date and time questions ask respondents to provide specific dates or times as responses.


Thermometer questions use a visual scale resembling a thermometer to gather ratings or opinions.

Magnet Slider

Magnet sliders allow respondents to drag a slider and attract it to specific values or positions.

Thumbs Slider

Thumbs sliders are a simplified version of sliders where respondents can give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating.

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis questions help determine the relative importance of product or service attributes by presenting respondents with hypothetical choices.

Van Westendorp

Van Westendrop questions explore price sensitivity by asking respondents about their willingness to pay for a product or service at different price points.

Gabor Granger

Gabor Grander questions gather data on respondents' perception of the importance and feasibility of various attributes or features.

Custom Question

Custom questions allow survey creators to design and format questions to fit specific needs or requirements.

Hybrid 360 Grid

This is a specialized type of grid question that typically combines different question formats or scales to gather comprehensive data.

Community Quick Polls

Engage community members with quick polls to gather immediate opinions and insights on various topics.


Facilitate open and interactive discussions within the community, fostering engagement and idea exchange.


Enable community members to share their thoughts, experiences, and reflections through diary entries.

Ad Tests

Conduct tests to evaluate and gather feedback on advertisements within the community platform.

Video Review

Allow community members to provide video reviews, sharing their opinions and experiences with various products or topics.

Video Interview

Host video interviews within the community platform, featuring discussions with experts, influencers, or community leaders.

Live Dashboards

Real-time interactive dashboards for monitoring survey responses.

Participant statistics

Access detailed statistics and insights on survey participant demographics and behavior.

Export to CSV

Export survey data to CSV format for external data analysis and reporting.

Export to SPSS

Export survey data directly to SPSS for advanced statistical analysis.

Export to Word

Export survey reports and data to Word for easy document creation.

Export to PowerPoint

Export survey reports and data to PowerPoint for presentation purposes.

Answer grouping

Group and analyze survey responses based on common themes or characteristics.

Report label

Add custom labels to survey reports for easy organization and identification of different report sections.

Advanced Data Reports (SPSS)

Generates advanced reports compatible with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Advanced filtering and segmentation

Refine survey data analysis through advanced filtering options.

Download results as CSV, XLS, PPT or PDF

Export survey results in various file formats for external analysis and reporting.

Hotspot analysis

Visualize and analyze survey data using heatmaps and hotspot analysis.

Response editor

Edit and modify survey responses in the case of errors or updates, ensuring accurate data representation.

On Click Summaries

Provide on-click summaries or explanations within the survey interface.

R Script Extensions

Extend survey functionalities using R scripts for advanced analysis.

A/B  Testing

Enables the comparison of two versions of a survey to determine effectiveness.

Consolidate Data

Combine and organize survey data for comprehensive analysis and reporting.

Data Population from custom Lookup

Populate survey fields dynamically by integrating data from custom lookups.

Crosstab Reports

Generate crosstabulation reports to explore relationships between survey variables.

Secure Portal to share results

Create a secure portal for sharing survey results, ensuring controlled access and confidentiality.

Weighting and balancing

Apply weighting and balancing techniques to adjust survey data based on demographic or other factors for more accurate analysis.

Video Open End Analysis

Open ednded feedback to videos providing pinpoint media sentiment  

Word cloud

Visual representation of frequently used words in a text or discussion, providing a quick overview of common themes and sentiments.

Heatmap Analysis

Graphic representation of data where values are depicted by varying shades of color, often used to display engagement or preferences.

Word text heatmap

A combination of a word cloud and heatmap, illustrating the frequency and intensity of specific words within a given text or content.

Skip Logic

Direct respondents to specific questions or sections based on their previous answers

Cascading Menus

Create dynamic survey questions with cascading menus based on previous responses.

Looping logic

Apply looping logic to repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Soft-Require Questions

Mark certain survey questions as "soft-required," allowing respondents to skip them but encouraging completion.

Advanced Branching Logic

Create complex survey paths based on respondent answers.

Advanced Logic Conditions

Apply sophisticated logic conditions to survey questions.

Alternative Flip

Flips the response order to support limiting respondent bias

Column Randomization

Randomize the display order of columns in a survey to minimize bias in response patterns.

Extraction logic

Define extraction logic to pull specific data points from survey responses.

Question Randomization

Randomize the order of survey questions to minimize bias in respondent responses.


Repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Survey Looping

Apply looping logic to repeat specific survey sections based on respondent conditions, enhancing survey flexibility.

Piping Logic

Utilize Piping logic for advanced survey response routing and organization.


Implement randomization techniques for various survey elements.

Advanced Randomization

Introduce advanced randomization techniques for survey question order.

Custom Validation Message

Set up personalized validation messages for survey respondents based on their input.

In Survey Calculations

Perform calculations within the survey platform for real-time data manipulation.

Look and Feel
Add Images and Videos to Library

Allows uploading and storage of multimedia elements for survey use.

Color, Font, and Style Customization

Customize survey appearance by adjusting colors, fonts, and styles to align with your brand or theme.

Branded Reports

Customize survey reports with your brand elements.

Branded Themes

Apply custom branding to the overall look and feel of surveys.

Remove Powered by Logo

Customize surveys by removing the default "Powered by" logo or branding, offering a more personalized appearance.

Custom branded login portal

Create a branded login portal for respondents to access surveys, enhancing brand visibility.

Custom CSS and HTML

Use custom CSS and HTML code to personalize the appearance and structure of surveys.

Custom HTML email invitation

Craft personalized email invitations using custom HTML to enhance engagement.

Custom HTML, CSS templates

Utilize custom HTML and CSS templates for a fully tailored survey design.

Custom URL Creator

Generate custom survey URLs for branding and easy sharing.

Custom In-Depth Report

Create customized, detailed reports tailored to specific survey objectives.

End to end customization

Customize the entire survey experience, from design to reporting, for a seamless and branded interaction.

Geocoding responses

Analyze and visualize survey responses geographically through geocoding.

Prevent Multiple Submissions

Provides each respondent with a unique key and response limits to prevents non valid resonse selection i.e. "Ballot box stuffing"

SMS Surveys

Conduct surveys via SMS (Short Message Service) for convenient respondent participation.

Response quotas

Set limits on the number of responses for specific survey criteria.

Embed External Audio and Video Files

Enhance survey content by embedding external audio and video files.

Reminder emails

Schedule and send automated reminder emails to encourage survey participation and completion.

SMTP Relay

Use SMTP relay to send survey-related emails securely and efficiently through an external SMTP server.

Survey Validation

Implement validation rules to ensure data accuracy and consistency in survey responses according to predefined criteria.

Encrypted Survey Redirects

Ensure secure redirection of respondents after survey completion through encryption.

Send reminder emails

Trigger automated emails as reminders to survey participants who have not completed the survey.

Survey Portal Creation

Create customized portals for surveys, providing a dedicated platform for respondents to access and complete surveys.

Survey Rewards Integration

Integrate reward systems into surveys, automatically providing incentives or benefits to respondents based on criteria.

Offline Mode

Allow respondents to complete surveys offline, with responses synced upon reconnection.

Advanced quotas

Establish complex quotas based on multiple survey conditions.

Enable IP blocking

Restrict access to surveys based on IP addresses to control participant eligibility.

Web intercept surveys

Intercept website visitors with surveys to gather feedback or insights.


Implement reward systems within surveys to incentivize and acknowledge respondent participation.

Security and Compliance
Protected Surveys

Enhance survey security by implementing protective measures.

Fully accessible, 508 compliant surveys

Ensure surveys are fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 accessibility standards.

HMAC-SHA1 (Single Sign-On)

Implement secure single sign-on (SSO) using HMAC-SHA1 authentication.

WCAG 2.2 level AA Compliant

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities.

AODA Compliant

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, aiming to remove barriers for people with disabilities in Ontario.

GDPR Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation, EU law protecting privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU and EEA.

PHIPPA Compliant

Personal Health Information Protection Act, Ontario law governing the use of personal health information by healthcare providers.


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canadian law governing the use of personal information by private sector organizations.

Key Account Information
Professional Survey Themes

Access professionally designed survey themes to enhance the visual appeal of your surveys for a polished look.

24/7 live chat

Instant live chat support available 24/7 for real-time assistance.

Survey Analysis

Conduct in-depth analysis of survey data, exploring trends, patterns, and correlations for informed decision-making.

Add Teams

Collaborate by adding multiple team members to work on surveys collectively.

Adding Multimedia(Audio, Video, Images)

Incorporate diverse media formats into survey questions and content.

Advanced permissions

Customize user access and permissions for survey editing and viewing.

All languages supported

Survey platform accommodates surveys in multiple languages.

Automatic redirect(survey completion redirect)

Redirect respondents upon survey completion automatically.

Customer Success Manager

Have a dedicated customer success manager for personalized support and guidance.

Real time survey report

Access survey results and reports in real-time, providing immediate insights into respondent data and trends.

Save as you go

Enable an autosave feature that saves survey progress as respondents navigate through the survey, preventing data loss.

Survey look and feel

Customize the visual appearance and design of surveys to align with branding and enhance the user experience.

Google Spreadsheets Integration

Integrate survey data seamlessly with Google Spreadsheets for collaborative analysis.

Survey Templates

Utilize pre-designed survey templates for quick and efficient survey creation, ensuring consistency and best practices.


Set timers for survey pages to manage respondent time and engagement.

24/7 Phone

Accessible customer support via phone around the clock.

Accept Payments

Facilitates the collection of payments within the survey process.


Integrate surveys with external systems and applications.


Trigger custom actions in external systems based on survey events.


Translate survey content, emails, and responses into multiple languages.

Data Center Location

opt for a specific data center location for hosting surveys, ensuring compliance and performance.

Custom Question Developers Kit

Access a kit for developing custom survey questions with advanced features.

Recurring surveys

Set up surveys to run at scheduled intervals for ongoing data collection

Library Sharing

Access a shared library of survey elements, questions, or templates for collaborative survey creation and standardization.

Shared templates

Utilize shared templates for surveys to maintain consistency across different projects or survey initiatives.

Shared themes

Apply shared themes to maintain consistent branding and styling across multiple surveys.

Live Training

Access live training sessions or resources for effective survey utilization.

Multi-lingual Surveys

Create surveys in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience.

Panel Manager

Manage and organize survey panels efficiently for targeted data collection.

Custom domain

Utilize your own custom domain for survey links, allowing you to brand surveys with a personalized and professional appearance.

Custom Scripting

Implement custom scripting for advanced survey functionalities and interactivity.

Question Types
Radio List

Radio buttons allow respondents to select one option from a list of choices. Only one option can be chosen.


Textbox questions provide a single-line or multi-line text input field for respondents to type their answers.

Collect contact information

Include fields in surveys to collect and store contact information from respondents.

Custom Matrix / Flex Matrix

Design custom matrices or flexible matrices to gather specific types of data.


Map questions often ask respondents to pinpoint a location on a map or provide geographic information.

Word Highlighter

Respondents can highlight specific words or phrases in a given text or passage.


Pairing questions ask respondents to match items from two lists, creating pairs or associations.

File Upload

Respondents can upload files or documents as part of their survey response.

Language Selection

Language selection questions allow respondents to choose their preferred language for the survey.

Checkbox List

Checkbox lists allow respondents to select multiple options from a list of choices. They can select as many options as they want.

Single-select Buttons

Single-select buttons are similar to radio buttons and allow respondents to choose a single option from a set of choices presented as buttons.

Multi-select Buttons

Multi-select buttons allow respondents to choose multiple options from a set of choices presented as buttons.


A listbox presents a list of choices from which respondents can select one or more options using a dropdown or scrolling menu.

Auto Complete

Auto-complete questions often come with a text input field that suggests options as respondents type. It's useful for gathering specific information or confirming a choice.

Star Rating

Star rating questions ask respondents to rate something on a scale of stars, typically from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating.

Radio Grid

A radio grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents select one option from each row.

Checkbox Grid

A checkbox grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents can select multiple options from each row.

Grid Single-select Buttons

This combines a grid format with single-select buttons, where respondents choose one option from each row and column intersection.

Grid Multi-select Buttons

Similar to the grid single-select buttons, but respondents can choose multiple options from each row and column intersection.

Single Slider

A single slider allows respondents to select a value along a single continuous scale, typically by dragging a slider handle.

Emoticon Slider

Emoticon sliders use emoticons or emojis to capture respondents' feelings or opinions on a particular subject.

Number Ranking

Respondents assign numerical rankings to items in a list, typically using numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions assess customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking respondents to rate their likelihood of recommending a product or service on a scale.

Categorical slider

Utilize a slider for respondents to provide feedback on a range of categorical options.

Custom HTML questions

Incorporate custom HTML code within survey questions for enhanced formatting and functionality.

Drag and Drop

Easily reorder survey elements and questions using a drag-and-drop interface.

Video Recording

Video recording questions enable respondents to record video responses, which can be useful for gathering qualitative insights.

Text Highlighter

Similar to the word highlighter, but respondents can highlight entire sentences or paragraphs.


Drawing questions allow respondents to sketch or draw their responses, often used for creative or visual input.

Video Analyzer

Video analyzer questions allow respondents to analyze or provide feedback on a video clip.


A carousel question type allows respondents to swipe or scroll through a series of images or items and make selections or ratings for each.


Dartboard questions may ask respondents to "throw darts" to select options randomly or based on chance.

Venn Slider

Venn sliders visually represent overlapping categories or preferences for respondents to adjust.

Claims Testing

Claims testing questions assess respondents' reactions to advertising claims or statements.

Image List

Image lists provide a set of choices represented by images instead of text. Respondents can select one or more images.

Grid Textbox

This combines a grid format with text input fields, where respondents can provide text responses for each intersection of rows and columns.

AI Open-end Prompt

AI open-end prompts incorporate artificial intelligence to generate follow-up questions or responses based on respondents' previous answers, fostering interactive surveys.

Multi-Item Slider

Multi-item sliders allow respondents to allocate a fixed total among multiple items on a scale, often used for budgeting or preference allocation.

Grid Slider

A grid slider combines a grid format with a slider interface for respondents to rate or rank items.

Grid Multi-Item Slider

Similar to the grid slider but allows respondents to allocate values across multiple items in a grid format.

Grid Listbox

A grid listbox combines a grid format with a dropdown or scrolling menu for respondents to make selections.

Drag & Drop Ranking

Respondents can drag and drop items to rank them in order of preference or importance.

Click Ranking

Respondents click on items to rank them in order of preference or importance.


The optimizer question type helps respondents make selections based on optimization criteria, such as cost, benefit, or preference.


Computation questions may involve mathematical calculations or formula-based responses.

Sample Variable

Sample variable questions collect demographic or profiling information about respondents.

Exit Variable

Exit variable questions are used to determine the reason a respondent chooses to exit a survey prematurely.

Card Sort

Card sort questions involve arranging items or cards into categories or groups to gather insights into organization or grouping preferences.

Date & Time

Date and time questions ask respondents to provide specific dates or times as responses.


Thermometer questions use a visual scale resembling a thermometer to gather ratings or opinions.

Magnet Slider

Magnet sliders allow respondents to drag a slider and attract it to specific values or positions.

Thumbs Slider

Thumbs sliders are a simplified version of sliders where respondents can give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating.

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis questions help determine the relative importance of product or service attributes by presenting respondents with hypothetical choices.

Van Westendorp

Van Westendrop questions explore price sensitivity by asking respondents about their willingness to pay for a product or service at different price points.

Gabor Granger

Gabor Grander questions gather data on respondents' perception of the importance and feasibility of various attributes or features.

Custom Question

Custom questions allow survey creators to design and format questions to fit specific needs or requirements.

Hybrid 360 Grid

This is a specialized type of grid question that typically combines different question formats or scales to gather comprehensive data.

Community Quick Polls

Engage community members with quick polls to gather immediate opinions and insights on various topics.


Facilitate open and interactive discussions within the community, fostering engagement and idea exchange.


Enable community members to share their thoughts, experiences, and reflections through diary entries.

Ad Tests

Conduct tests to evaluate and gather feedback on advertisements within the community platform.

Video Review

Allow community members to provide video reviews, sharing their opinions and experiences with various products or topics.

Video Interview

Host video interviews within the community platform, featuring discussions with experts, influencers, or community leaders.

Live Dashboards

Real-time interactive dashboards for monitoring survey responses.

Participant statistics

Access detailed statistics and insights on survey participant demographics and behavior.

Export to CSV

Export survey data to CSV format for external data analysis and reporting.

Export to SPSS

Export survey data directly to SPSS for advanced statistical analysis.

Export to Word

Export survey reports and data to Word for easy document creation.

Export to PowerPoint

Export survey reports and data to PowerPoint for presentation purposes.

Answer grouping

Group and analyze survey responses based on common themes or characteristics.

Report label

Add custom labels to survey reports for easy organization and identification of different report sections.

Advanced Data Reports (SPSS)

Generates advanced reports compatible with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Advanced filtering and segmentation

Refine survey data analysis through advanced filtering options.

Download results as CSV, XLS, PPT or PDF

Export survey results in various file formats for external analysis and reporting.

Hotspot analysis

Visualize and analyze survey data using heatmaps and hotspot analysis.

Response editor

Edit and modify survey responses in the case of errors or updates, ensuring accurate data representation.

On Click Summaries

Provide on-click summaries or explanations within the survey interface.

R Script Extensions

Extend survey functionalities using R scripts for advanced analysis.

A/B  Testing

Enables the comparison of two versions of a survey to determine effectiveness.

Consolidate Data

Combine and organize survey data for comprehensive analysis and reporting.

Data Population from custom Lookup

Populate survey fields dynamically by integrating data from custom lookups.

Crosstab Reports

Generate crosstabulation reports to explore relationships between survey variables.

Secure Portal to share results

Create a secure portal for sharing survey results, ensuring controlled access and confidentiality.

Weighting and balancing

Apply weighting and balancing techniques to adjust survey data based on demographic or other factors for more accurate analysis.

Video Open End Analysis

Open ednded feedback to videos providing pinpoint media sentiment  

Word cloud

Visual representation of frequently used words in a text or discussion, providing a quick overview of common themes and sentiments.

Heatmap Analysis

Graphic representation of data where values are depicted by varying shades of color, often used to display engagement or preferences.

Word text heatmap

A combination of a word cloud and heatmap, illustrating the frequency and intensity of specific words within a given text or content.

Skip Logic

Direct respondents to specific questions or sections based on their previous answers

Cascading Menus

Create dynamic survey questions with cascading menus based on previous responses.

Looping logic

Apply looping logic to repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Soft-Require Questions

Mark certain survey questions as "soft-required," allowing respondents to skip them but encouraging completion.

Advanced Branching Logic

Create complex survey paths based on respondent answers.

Advanced Logic Conditions

Apply sophisticated logic conditions to survey questions.

Alternative Flip

Flips the response order to support limiting respondent bias

Column Randomization

Randomize the display order of columns in a survey to minimize bias in response patterns.

Extraction logic

Define extraction logic to pull specific data points from survey responses.

Question Randomization

Randomize the order of survey questions to minimize bias in respondent responses.


Repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Survey Looping

Apply looping logic to repeat specific survey sections based on respondent conditions, enhancing survey flexibility.

Piping Logic

Utilize Piping logic for advanced survey response routing and organization.


Implement randomization techniques for various survey elements.

Advanced Randomization

Introduce advanced randomization techniques for survey question order.

Custom Validation Message

Set up personalized validation messages for survey respondents based on their input.

In Survey Calculations

Perform calculations within the survey platform for real-time data manipulation.

Look and Feel
Add Images and Videos to Library

Allows uploading and storage of multimedia elements for survey use.

Color, Font, and Style Customization

Customize survey appearance by adjusting colors, fonts, and styles to align with your brand or theme.

Branded Reports

Customize survey reports with your brand elements.

Branded Themes

Apply custom branding to the overall look and feel of surveys.

Remove Powered by Logo

Customize surveys by removing the default "Powered by" logo or branding, offering a more personalized appearance.

Custom branded login portal

Create a branded login portal for respondents to access surveys, enhancing brand visibility.

Custom CSS and HTML

Use custom CSS and HTML code to personalize the appearance and structure of surveys.

Custom HTML email invitation

Craft personalized email invitations using custom HTML to enhance engagement.

Custom HTML, CSS templates

Utilize custom HTML and CSS templates for a fully tailored survey design.

Custom URL Creator

Generate custom survey URLs for branding and easy sharing.

Custom In-Depth Report

Create customized, detailed reports tailored to specific survey objectives.

End to end customization

Customize the entire survey experience, from design to reporting, for a seamless and branded interaction.

Geocoding responses

Analyze and visualize survey responses geographically through geocoding.

Prevent Multiple Submissions

Provides each respondent with a unique key and response limits to prevents non valid resonse selection i.e. "Ballot box stuffing"

SMS Surveys

Conduct surveys via SMS (Short Message Service) for convenient respondent participation.

Response quotas

Set limits on the number of responses for specific survey criteria.

Embed External Audio and Video Files

Enhance survey content by embedding external audio and video files.

Reminder emails

Schedule and send automated reminder emails to encourage survey participation and completion.

SMTP Relay

Use SMTP relay to send survey-related emails securely and efficiently through an external SMTP server.

Survey Validation

Implement validation rules to ensure data accuracy and consistency in survey responses according to predefined criteria.

Encrypted Survey Redirects

Ensure secure redirection of respondents after survey completion through encryption.

Send reminder emails

Trigger automated emails as reminders to survey participants who have not completed the survey.

Survey Portal Creation

Create customized portals for surveys, providing a dedicated platform for respondents to access and complete surveys.

Survey Rewards Integration

Integrate reward systems into surveys, automatically providing incentives or benefits to respondents based on criteria.

Offline Mode

Allow respondents to complete surveys offline, with responses synced upon reconnection.

Advanced quotas

Establish complex quotas based on multiple survey conditions.

Enable IP blocking

Restrict access to surveys based on IP addresses to control participant eligibility.

Web intercept surveys

Intercept website visitors with surveys to gather feedback or insights.


Implement reward systems within surveys to incentivize and acknowledge respondent participation.

Security and Compliance
Protected Surveys

Enhance survey security by implementing protective measures.

Fully accessible, 508 compliant surveys

Ensure surveys are fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 accessibility standards.

HMAC-SHA1 (Single Sign-On)

Implement secure single sign-on (SSO) using HMAC-SHA1 authentication.

WCAG 2.2 level AA Compliant

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities.

AODA Compliant

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, aiming to remove barriers for people with disabilities in Ontario.

GDPR Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation, EU law protecting privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU and EEA.

PHIPPA Compliant

Personal Health Information Protection Act, Ontario law governing the use of personal health information by healthcare providers.


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canadian law governing the use of personal information by private sector organizations.

Key Account Information
Professional Survey Themes

Access professionally designed survey themes to enhance the visual appeal of your surveys for a polished look.

24/7 live chat

Instant live chat support available 24/7 for real-time assistance.

Survey Analysis

Conduct in-depth analysis of survey data, exploring trends, patterns, and correlations for informed decision-making.

Add Teams

Collaborate by adding multiple team members to work on surveys collectively.

Adding Multimedia(Audio, Video, Images)

Incorporate diverse media formats into survey questions and content.

Advanced permissions

Customize user access and permissions for survey editing and viewing.

All languages supported

Survey platform accommodates surveys in multiple languages.

Automatic redirect(survey completion redirect)

Redirect respondents upon survey completion automatically.

Customer Success Manager

Have a dedicated customer success manager for personalized support and guidance.

Real time survey report

Access survey results and reports in real-time, providing immediate insights into respondent data and trends.

Save as you go

Enable an autosave feature that saves survey progress as respondents navigate through the survey, preventing data loss.

Survey look and feel

Customize the visual appearance and design of surveys to align with branding and enhance the user experience.

Google Spreadsheets Integration

Integrate survey data seamlessly with Google Spreadsheets for collaborative analysis.

Survey Templates

Utilize pre-designed survey templates for quick and efficient survey creation, ensuring consistency and best practices.


Set timers for survey pages to manage respondent time and engagement.

24/7 Phone

Accessible customer support via phone around the clock.

Accept Payments

Facilitates the collection of payments within the survey process.


Integrate surveys with external systems and applications.


Trigger custom actions in external systems based on survey events.


Translate survey content, emails, and responses into multiple languages.

Data Center Location

opt for a specific data center location for hosting surveys, ensuring compliance and performance.

Custom Question Developers Kit

Access a kit for developing custom survey questions with advanced features.

Recurring surveys

Set up surveys to run at scheduled intervals for ongoing data collection

Library Sharing

Access a shared library of survey elements, questions, or templates for collaborative survey creation and standardization.

Shared templates

Utilize shared templates for surveys to maintain consistency across different projects or survey initiatives.

Shared themes

Apply shared themes to maintain consistent branding and styling across multiple surveys.

Live Training

Access live training sessions or resources for effective survey utilization.

Multi-lingual Surveys

Create surveys in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience.

Panel Manager

Manage and organize survey panels efficiently for targeted data collection.

Custom domain

Utilize your own custom domain for survey links, allowing you to brand surveys with a personalized and professional appearance.

Custom Scripting

Implement custom scripting for advanced survey functionalities and interactivity.

Question Types
Radio List

Radio buttons allow respondents to select one option from a list of choices. Only one option can be chosen.


Textbox questions provide a single-line or multi-line text input field for respondents to type their answers.

Collect contact information

Include fields in surveys to collect and store contact information from respondents.

Custom Matrix / Flex Matrix

Design custom matrices or flexible matrices to gather specific types of data.


Map questions often ask respondents to pinpoint a location on a map or provide geographic information.

Word Highlighter

Respondents can highlight specific words or phrases in a given text or passage.


Pairing questions ask respondents to match items from two lists, creating pairs or associations.

File Upload

Respondents can upload files or documents as part of their survey response.

Language Selection

Language selection questions allow respondents to choose their preferred language for the survey.

Checkbox List

Checkbox lists allow respondents to select multiple options from a list of choices. They can select as many options as they want.

Single-select Buttons

Single-select buttons are similar to radio buttons and allow respondents to choose a single option from a set of choices presented as buttons.

Multi-select Buttons

Multi-select buttons allow respondents to choose multiple options from a set of choices presented as buttons.


A listbox presents a list of choices from which respondents can select one or more options using a dropdown or scrolling menu.

Auto Complete

Auto-complete questions often come with a text input field that suggests options as respondents type. It's useful for gathering specific information or confirming a choice.

Star Rating

Star rating questions ask respondents to rate something on a scale of stars, typically from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating.

Radio Grid

A radio grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents select one option from each row.

Checkbox Grid

A checkbox grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents can select multiple options from each row.

Grid Single-select Buttons

This combines a grid format with single-select buttons, where respondents choose one option from each row and column intersection.

Grid Multi-select Buttons

Similar to the grid single-select buttons, but respondents can choose multiple options from each row and column intersection.

Single Slider

A single slider allows respondents to select a value along a single continuous scale, typically by dragging a slider handle.

Emoticon Slider

Emoticon sliders use emoticons or emojis to capture respondents' feelings or opinions on a particular subject.

Number Ranking

Respondents assign numerical rankings to items in a list, typically using numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions assess customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking respondents to rate their likelihood of recommending a product or service on a scale.

Categorical slider

Utilize a slider for respondents to provide feedback on a range of categorical options.

Custom HTML questions

Incorporate custom HTML code within survey questions for enhanced formatting and functionality.

Drag and Drop

Easily reorder survey elements and questions using a drag-and-drop interface.

Video Recording

Video recording questions enable respondents to record video responses, which can be useful for gathering qualitative insights.

Text Highlighter

Similar to the word highlighter, but respondents can highlight entire sentences or paragraphs.


Drawing questions allow respondents to sketch or draw their responses, often used for creative or visual input.

Video Analyzer

Video analyzer questions allow respondents to analyze or provide feedback on a video clip.


A carousel question type allows respondents to swipe or scroll through a series of images or items and make selections or ratings for each.


Dartboard questions may ask respondents to "throw darts" to select options randomly or based on chance.

Venn Slider

Venn sliders visually represent overlapping categories or preferences for respondents to adjust.

Claims Testing

Claims testing questions assess respondents' reactions to advertising claims or statements.

Image List

Image lists provide a set of choices represented by images instead of text. Respondents can select one or more images.

Grid Textbox

This combines a grid format with text input fields, where respondents can provide text responses for each intersection of rows and columns.

AI Open-end Prompt

AI open-end prompts incorporate artificial intelligence to generate follow-up questions or responses based on respondents' previous answers, fostering interactive surveys.

Multi-Item Slider

Multi-item sliders allow respondents to allocate a fixed total among multiple items on a scale, often used for budgeting or preference allocation.

Grid Slider

A grid slider combines a grid format with a slider interface for respondents to rate or rank items.

Grid Multi-Item Slider

Similar to the grid slider but allows respondents to allocate values across multiple items in a grid format.

Grid Listbox

A grid listbox combines a grid format with a dropdown or scrolling menu for respondents to make selections.

Drag & Drop Ranking

Respondents can drag and drop items to rank them in order of preference or importance.

Click Ranking

Respondents click on items to rank them in order of preference or importance.


The optimizer question type helps respondents make selections based on optimization criteria, such as cost, benefit, or preference.


Computation questions may involve mathematical calculations or formula-based responses.

Sample Variable

Sample variable questions collect demographic or profiling information about respondents.

Exit Variable

Exit variable questions are used to determine the reason a respondent chooses to exit a survey prematurely.

Card Sort

Card sort questions involve arranging items or cards into categories or groups to gather insights into organization or grouping preferences.

Date & Time

Date and time questions ask respondents to provide specific dates or times as responses.


Thermometer questions use a visual scale resembling a thermometer to gather ratings or opinions.

Magnet Slider

Magnet sliders allow respondents to drag a slider and attract it to specific values or positions.

Thumbs Slider

Thumbs sliders are a simplified version of sliders where respondents can give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating.

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis questions help determine the relative importance of product or service attributes by presenting respondents with hypothetical choices.

Van Westendorp

Van Westendrop questions explore price sensitivity by asking respondents about their willingness to pay for a product or service at different price points.

Gabor Granger

Gabor Grander questions gather data on respondents' perception of the importance and feasibility of various attributes or features.

Custom Question

Custom questions allow survey creators to design and format questions to fit specific needs or requirements.

Hybrid 360 Grid

This is a specialized type of grid question that typically combines different question formats or scales to gather comprehensive data.

Community Quick Polls

Engage community members with quick polls to gather immediate opinions and insights on various topics.


Facilitate open and interactive discussions within the community, fostering engagement and idea exchange.


Enable community members to share their thoughts, experiences, and reflections through diary entries.

Ad Tests

Conduct tests to evaluate and gather feedback on advertisements within the community platform.

Video Review

Allow community members to provide video reviews, sharing their opinions and experiences with various products or topics.

Video Interview

Host video interviews within the community platform, featuring discussions with experts, influencers, or community leaders.

Live Dashboards

Real-time interactive dashboards for monitoring survey responses.

Participant statistics

Access detailed statistics and insights on survey participant demographics and behavior.

Export to CSV

Export survey data to CSV format for external data analysis and reporting.

Export to SPSS

Export survey data directly to SPSS for advanced statistical analysis.

Export to Word

Export survey reports and data to Word for easy document creation.

Export to PowerPoint

Export survey reports and data to PowerPoint for presentation purposes.

Answer grouping

Group and analyze survey responses based on common themes or characteristics.

Report label

Add custom labels to survey reports for easy organization and identification of different report sections.

Advanced Data Reports (SPSS)

Generates advanced reports compatible with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Advanced filtering and segmentation

Refine survey data analysis through advanced filtering options.

Download results as CSV, XLS, PPT or PDF

Export survey results in various file formats for external analysis and reporting.

Hotspot analysis

Visualize and analyze survey data using heatmaps and hotspot analysis.

Response editor

Edit and modify survey responses in the case of errors or updates, ensuring accurate data representation.

On Click Summaries

Provide on-click summaries or explanations within the survey interface.

R Script Extensions

Extend survey functionalities using R scripts for advanced analysis.

A/B  Testing

Enables the comparison of two versions of a survey to determine effectiveness.

Consolidate Data

Combine and organize survey data for comprehensive analysis and reporting.

Data Population from custom Lookup

Populate survey fields dynamically by integrating data from custom lookups.

Crosstab Reports

Generate crosstabulation reports to explore relationships between survey variables.

Secure Portal to share results

Create a secure portal for sharing survey results, ensuring controlled access and confidentiality.

Weighting and balancing

Apply weighting and balancing techniques to adjust survey data based on demographic or other factors for more accurate analysis.

Video Open End Analysis

Open ednded feedback to videos providing pinpoint media sentiment  

Word cloud

Visual representation of frequently used words in a text or discussion, providing a quick overview of common themes and sentiments.

Heatmap Analysis

Graphic representation of data where values are depicted by varying shades of color, often used to display engagement or preferences.

Word text heatmap

A combination of a word cloud and heatmap, illustrating the frequency and intensity of specific words within a given text or content.

Skip Logic

Direct respondents to specific questions or sections based on their previous answers

Cascading Menus

Create dynamic survey questions with cascading menus based on previous responses.

Looping logic

Apply looping logic to repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Soft-Require Questions

Mark certain survey questions as "soft-required," allowing respondents to skip them but encouraging completion.

Advanced Branching Logic

Create complex survey paths based on respondent answers.

Advanced Logic Conditions

Apply sophisticated logic conditions to survey questions.

Alternative Flip

Flips the response order to support limiting respondent bias

Column Randomization

Randomize the display order of columns in a survey to minimize bias in response patterns.

Extraction logic

Define extraction logic to pull specific data points from survey responses.

Question Randomization

Randomize the order of survey questions to minimize bias in respondent responses.


Repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Survey Looping

Apply looping logic to repeat specific survey sections based on respondent conditions, enhancing survey flexibility.

Piping Logic

Utilize Piping logic for advanced survey response routing and organization.


Implement randomization techniques for various survey elements.

Advanced Randomization

Introduce advanced randomization techniques for survey question order.

Custom Validation Message

Set up personalized validation messages for survey respondents based on their input.

In Survey Calculations

Perform calculations within the survey platform for real-time data manipulation.

Look and Feel
Add Images and Videos to Library

Allows uploading and storage of multimedia elements for survey use.

Color, Font, and Style Customization

Customize survey appearance by adjusting colors, fonts, and styles to align with your brand or theme.

Branded Reports

Customize survey reports with your brand elements.

Branded Themes

Apply custom branding to the overall look and feel of surveys.

Remove Powered by Logo

Customize surveys by removing the default "Powered by" logo or branding, offering a more personalized appearance.

Custom branded login portal

Create a branded login portal for respondents to access surveys, enhancing brand visibility.

Custom CSS and HTML

Use custom CSS and HTML code to personalize the appearance and structure of surveys.

Custom HTML email invitation

Craft personalized email invitations using custom HTML to enhance engagement.

Custom HTML, CSS templates

Utilize custom HTML and CSS templates for a fully tailored survey design.

Custom URL Creator

Generate custom survey URLs for branding and easy sharing.

Custom In-Depth Report

Create customized, detailed reports tailored to specific survey objectives.

End to end customization

Customize the entire survey experience, from design to reporting, for a seamless and branded interaction.

Geocoding responses

Analyze and visualize survey responses geographically through geocoding.

Prevent Multiple Submissions

Provides each respondent with a unique key and response limits to prevents non valid resonse selection i.e. "Ballot box stuffing"

SMS Surveys

Conduct surveys via SMS (Short Message Service) for convenient respondent participation.

Response quotas

Set limits on the number of responses for specific survey criteria.

Embed External Audio and Video Files

Enhance survey content by embedding external audio and video files.

Reminder emails

Schedule and send automated reminder emails to encourage survey participation and completion.

SMTP Relay

Use SMTP relay to send survey-related emails securely and efficiently through an external SMTP server.

Survey Validation

Implement validation rules to ensure data accuracy and consistency in survey responses according to predefined criteria.

Encrypted Survey Redirects

Ensure secure redirection of respondents after survey completion through encryption.

Send reminder emails

Trigger automated emails as reminders to survey participants who have not completed the survey.

Survey Portal Creation

Create customized portals for surveys, providing a dedicated platform for respondents to access and complete surveys.

Survey Rewards Integration

Integrate reward systems into surveys, automatically providing incentives or benefits to respondents based on criteria.

Offline Mode

Allow respondents to complete surveys offline, with responses synced upon reconnection.

Advanced quotas

Establish complex quotas based on multiple survey conditions.

Enable IP blocking

Restrict access to surveys based on IP addresses to control participant eligibility.

Web intercept surveys

Intercept website visitors with surveys to gather feedback or insights.


Implement reward systems within surveys to incentivize and acknowledge respondent participation.

Security and Compliance
Protected Surveys

Enhance survey security by implementing protective measures.

Fully accessible, 508 compliant surveys

Ensure surveys are fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 accessibility standards.

HMAC-SHA1 (Single Sign-On)

Implement secure single sign-on (SSO) using HMAC-SHA1 authentication.

WCAG 2.2 level AA Compliant

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities.

AODA Compliant

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, aiming to remove barriers for people with disabilities in Ontario.

GDPR Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation, EU law protecting privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU and EEA.

PHIPPA Compliant

Personal Health Information Protection Act, Ontario law governing the use of personal health information by healthcare providers.


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canadian law governing the use of personal information by private sector organizations.

Effortlessly create and analyze
Q-Fi Surveys
Start  a Free Trial
Start  a Free Trial
Unlock poewerful survey & advanced research tools
Start a Free Trial
Comprehensive qualitative research platform

$83 / month



Key Account Information
Professional Survey Themes

Access professionally designed survey themes to enhance the visual appeal of your surveys for a polished look.

24/7 live chat

Instant live chat support available 24/7 for real-time assistance.

Survey Analysis

Conduct in-depth analysis of survey data, exploring trends, patterns, and correlations for informed decision-making.

Add Teams

Collaborate by adding multiple team members to work on surveys collectively.

Adding Multimedia(Audio, Video, Images)

Incorporate diverse media formats into survey questions and content.

Advanced permissions

Customize user access and permissions for survey editing and viewing.

All languages supported

Survey platform accommodates surveys in multiple languages.

Automatic redirect(survey completion redirect)

Redirect respondents upon survey completion automatically.

Customer Success Manager

Have a dedicated customer success manager for personalized support and guidance.

Real time survey report

Access survey results and reports in real-time, providing immediate insights into respondent data and trends.

Save as you go

Enable an autosave feature that saves survey progress as respondents navigate through the survey, preventing data loss.

Survey look and feel

Customize the visual appearance and design of surveys to align with branding and enhance the user experience.

Google Spreadsheets Integration

Integrate survey data seamlessly with Google Spreadsheets for collaborative analysis.

Survey Templates

Utilize pre-designed survey templates for quick and efficient survey creation, ensuring consistency and best practices.


Set timers for survey pages to manage respondent time and engagement.

24/7 Phone

Accessible customer support via phone around the clock.

Accept Payments

Facilitates the collection of payments within the survey process.


Integrate surveys with external systems and applications.


Trigger custom actions in external systems based on survey events.


Translate survey content, emails, and responses into multiple languages.

Data Center Location

opt for a specific data center location for hosting surveys, ensuring compliance and performance.

Custom Question Developers Kit

Access a kit for developing custom survey questions with advanced features.

Recurring surveys

Set up surveys to run at scheduled intervals for ongoing data collection

Library Sharing

Access a shared library of survey elements, questions, or templates for collaborative survey creation and standardization.

Shared templates

Utilize shared templates for surveys to maintain consistency across different projects or survey initiatives.

Shared themes

Apply shared themes to maintain consistent branding and styling across multiple surveys.

Live Training

Access live training sessions or resources for effective survey utilization.

Multi-lingual Surveys

Create surveys in multiple languages to cater to a diverse audience.

Panel Manager

Manage and organize survey panels efficiently for targeted data collection.

Custom domain

Utilize your own custom domain for survey links, allowing you to brand surveys with a personalized and professional appearance.

Custom Scripting

Implement custom scripting for advanced survey functionalities and interactivity.

Question Types
Radio List

Radio buttons allow respondents to select one option from a list of choices. Only one option can be chosen.


Textbox questions provide a single-line or multi-line text input field for respondents to type their answers.

Collect contact information

Include fields in surveys to collect and store contact information from respondents.

Custom Matrix / Flex Matrix

Design custom matrices or flexible matrices to gather specific types of data.


Map questions often ask respondents to pinpoint a location on a map or provide geographic information.

Word Highlighter

Respondents can highlight specific words or phrases in a given text or passage.


Pairing questions ask respondents to match items from two lists, creating pairs or associations.

File Upload

Respondents can upload files or documents as part of their survey response.

Language Selection

Language selection questions allow respondents to choose their preferred language for the survey.

Checkbox List

Checkbox lists allow respondents to select multiple options from a list of choices. They can select as many options as they want.

Single-select Buttons

Single-select buttons are similar to radio buttons and allow respondents to choose a single option from a set of choices presented as buttons.

Multi-select Buttons

Multi-select buttons allow respondents to choose multiple options from a set of choices presented as buttons.


A listbox presents a list of choices from which respondents can select one or more options using a dropdown or scrolling menu.

Auto Complete

Auto-complete questions often come with a text input field that suggests options as respondents type. It's useful for gathering specific information or confirming a choice.

Star Rating

Star rating questions ask respondents to rate something on a scale of stars, typically from 1 to 5, with 5 being the highest rating.

Radio Grid

A radio grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents select one option from each row.

Checkbox Grid

A checkbox grid presents multiple rows and columns of choices, and respondents can select multiple options from each row.

Grid Single-select Buttons

This combines a grid format with single-select buttons, where respondents choose one option from each row and column intersection.

Grid Multi-select Buttons

Similar to the grid single-select buttons, but respondents can choose multiple options from each row and column intersection.

Single Slider

A single slider allows respondents to select a value along a single continuous scale, typically by dragging a slider handle.

Emoticon Slider

Emoticon sliders use emoticons or emojis to capture respondents' feelings or opinions on a particular subject.

Number Ranking

Respondents assign numerical rankings to items in a list, typically using numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc.


Net Promoter Score (NPS) questions assess customer satisfaction and loyalty by asking respondents to rate their likelihood of recommending a product or service on a scale.

Categorical slider

Utilize a slider for respondents to provide feedback on a range of categorical options.

Custom HTML questions

Incorporate custom HTML code within survey questions for enhanced formatting and functionality.

Drag and Drop

Easily reorder survey elements and questions using a drag-and-drop interface.

Video Recording

Video recording questions enable respondents to record video responses, which can be useful for gathering qualitative insights.

Text Highlighter

Similar to the word highlighter, but respondents can highlight entire sentences or paragraphs.


Drawing questions allow respondents to sketch or draw their responses, often used for creative or visual input.

Video Analyzer

Video analyzer questions allow respondents to analyze or provide feedback on a video clip.


A carousel question type allows respondents to swipe or scroll through a series of images or items and make selections or ratings for each.


Dartboard questions may ask respondents to "throw darts" to select options randomly or based on chance.

Venn Slider

Venn sliders visually represent overlapping categories or preferences for respondents to adjust.

Claims Testing

Claims testing questions assess respondents' reactions to advertising claims or statements.

Image List

Image lists provide a set of choices represented by images instead of text. Respondents can select one or more images.

Grid Textbox

This combines a grid format with text input fields, where respondents can provide text responses for each intersection of rows and columns.

AI Open-end Prompt

AI open-end prompts incorporate artificial intelligence to generate follow-up questions or responses based on respondents' previous answers, fostering interactive surveys.

Multi-Item Slider

Multi-item sliders allow respondents to allocate a fixed total among multiple items on a scale, often used for budgeting or preference allocation.

Grid Slider

A grid slider combines a grid format with a slider interface for respondents to rate or rank items.

Grid Multi-Item Slider

Similar to the grid slider but allows respondents to allocate values across multiple items in a grid format.

Grid Listbox

A grid listbox combines a grid format with a dropdown or scrolling menu for respondents to make selections.

Drag & Drop Ranking

Respondents can drag and drop items to rank them in order of preference or importance.

Click Ranking

Respondents click on items to rank them in order of preference or importance.


The optimizer question type helps respondents make selections based on optimization criteria, such as cost, benefit, or preference.


Computation questions may involve mathematical calculations or formula-based responses.

Sample Variable

Sample variable questions collect demographic or profiling information about respondents.

Exit Variable

Exit variable questions are used to determine the reason a respondent chooses to exit a survey prematurely.

Card Sort

Card sort questions involve arranging items or cards into categories or groups to gather insights into organization or grouping preferences.

Date & Time

Date and time questions ask respondents to provide specific dates or times as responses.


Thermometer questions use a visual scale resembling a thermometer to gather ratings or opinions.

Magnet Slider

Magnet sliders allow respondents to drag a slider and attract it to specific values or positions.

Thumbs Slider

Thumbs sliders are a simplified version of sliders where respondents can give a thumbs-up or thumbs-down rating.

Conjoint Analysis

Conjoint analysis questions help determine the relative importance of product or service attributes by presenting respondents with hypothetical choices.

Van Westendorp

Van Westendrop questions explore price sensitivity by asking respondents about their willingness to pay for a product or service at different price points.

Gabor Granger

Gabor Grander questions gather data on respondents' perception of the importance and feasibility of various attributes or features.

Custom Question

Custom questions allow survey creators to design and format questions to fit specific needs or requirements.

Hybrid 360 Grid

This is a specialized type of grid question that typically combines different question formats or scales to gather comprehensive data.

Community Quick Polls

Engage community members with quick polls to gather immediate opinions and insights on various topics.


Facilitate open and interactive discussions within the community, fostering engagement and idea exchange.


Enable community members to share their thoughts, experiences, and reflections through diary entries.

Ad Tests

Conduct tests to evaluate and gather feedback on advertisements within the community platform.

Video Review

Allow community members to provide video reviews, sharing their opinions and experiences with various products or topics.

Video Interview

Host video interviews within the community platform, featuring discussions with experts, influencers, or community leaders.

Live Dashboards

Real-time interactive dashboards for monitoring survey responses.

Participant statistics

Access detailed statistics and insights on survey participant demographics and behavior.

Export to CSV

Export survey data to CSV format for external data analysis and reporting.

Export to SPSS

Export survey data directly to SPSS for advanced statistical analysis.

Export to Word

Export survey reports and data to Word for easy document creation.

Export to PowerPoint

Export survey reports and data to PowerPoint for presentation purposes.

Answer grouping

Group and analyze survey responses based on common themes or characteristics.

Report label

Add custom labels to survey reports for easy organization and identification of different report sections.

Advanced Data Reports (SPSS)

Generates advanced reports compatible with Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS).

Advanced filtering and segmentation

Refine survey data analysis through advanced filtering options.

Download results as CSV, XLS, PPT or PDF

Export survey results in various file formats for external analysis and reporting.

Hotspot analysis

Visualize and analyze survey data using heatmaps and hotspot analysis.

Response editor

Edit and modify survey responses in the case of errors or updates, ensuring accurate data representation.

On Click Summaries

Provide on-click summaries or explanations within the survey interface.

R Script Extensions

Extend survey functionalities using R scripts for advanced analysis.

A/B  Testing

Enables the comparison of two versions of a survey to determine effectiveness.

Consolidate Data

Combine and organize survey data for comprehensive analysis and reporting.

Data Population from custom Lookup

Populate survey fields dynamically by integrating data from custom lookups.

Crosstab Reports

Generate crosstabulation reports to explore relationships between survey variables.

Secure Portal to share results

Create a secure portal for sharing survey results, ensuring controlled access and confidentiality.

Weighting and balancing

Apply weighting and balancing techniques to adjust survey data based on demographic or other factors for more accurate analysis.

Video Open End Analysis

Open ednded feedback to videos providing pinpoint media sentiment  

Word cloud

Visual representation of frequently used words in a text or discussion, providing a quick overview of common themes and sentiments.

Heatmap Analysis

Graphic representation of data where values are depicted by varying shades of color, often used to display engagement or preferences.

Word text heatmap

A combination of a word cloud and heatmap, illustrating the frequency and intensity of specific words within a given text or content.

Skip Logic

Direct respondents to specific questions or sections based on their previous answers

Cascading Menus

Create dynamic survey questions with cascading menus based on previous responses.

Looping logic

Apply looping logic to repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Soft-Require Questions

Mark certain survey questions as "soft-required," allowing respondents to skip them but encouraging completion.

Advanced Branching Logic

Create complex survey paths based on respondent answers.

Advanced Logic Conditions

Apply sophisticated logic conditions to survey questions.

Alternative Flip

Flips the response order to support limiting respondent bias

Column Randomization

Randomize the display order of columns in a survey to minimize bias in response patterns.

Extraction logic

Define extraction logic to pull specific data points from survey responses.

Question Randomization

Randomize the order of survey questions to minimize bias in respondent responses.


Repeat specific sections of the survey based on respondent conditions.

Survey Looping

Apply looping logic to repeat specific survey sections based on respondent conditions, enhancing survey flexibility.

Piping Logic

Utilize Piping logic for advanced survey response routing and organization.


Implement randomization techniques for various survey elements.

Advanced Randomization

Introduce advanced randomization techniques for survey question order.

Custom Validation Message

Set up personalized validation messages for survey respondents based on their input.

In Survey Calculations

Perform calculations within the survey platform for real-time data manipulation.

Look and Feel
Add Images and Videos to Library

Allows uploading and storage of multimedia elements for survey use.

Color, Font, and Style Customization

Customize survey appearance by adjusting colors, fonts, and styles to align with your brand or theme.

Branded Reports

Customize survey reports with your brand elements.

Branded Themes

Apply custom branding to the overall look and feel of surveys.

Remove Powered by Logo

Customize surveys by removing the default "Powered by" logo or branding, offering a more personalized appearance.

Custom branded login portal

Create a branded login portal for respondents to access surveys, enhancing brand visibility.

Custom CSS and HTML

Use custom CSS and HTML code to personalize the appearance and structure of surveys.

Custom HTML email invitation

Craft personalized email invitations using custom HTML to enhance engagement.

Custom HTML, CSS templates

Utilize custom HTML and CSS templates for a fully tailored survey design.

Custom URL Creator

Generate custom survey URLs for branding and easy sharing.

Custom In-Depth Report

Create customized, detailed reports tailored to specific survey objectives.

End to end customization

Customize the entire survey experience, from design to reporting, for a seamless and branded interaction.

Geocoding responses

Analyze and visualize survey responses geographically through geocoding.

Prevent Multiple Submissions

Provides each respondent with a unique key and response limits to prevents non valid resonse selection i.e. "Ballot box stuffing"

SMS Surveys

Conduct surveys via SMS (Short Message Service) for convenient respondent participation.

Response quotas

Set limits on the number of responses for specific survey criteria.

Embed External Audio and Video Files

Enhance survey content by embedding external audio and video files.

Reminder emails

Schedule and send automated reminder emails to encourage survey participation and completion.

SMTP Relay

Use SMTP relay to send survey-related emails securely and efficiently through an external SMTP server.

Survey Validation

Implement validation rules to ensure data accuracy and consistency in survey responses according to predefined criteria.

Encrypted Survey Redirects

Ensure secure redirection of respondents after survey completion through encryption.

Send reminder emails

Trigger automated emails as reminders to survey participants who have not completed the survey.

Survey Portal Creation

Create customized portals for surveys, providing a dedicated platform for respondents to access and complete surveys.

Survey Rewards Integration

Integrate reward systems into surveys, automatically providing incentives or benefits to respondents based on criteria.

Offline Mode

Allow respondents to complete surveys offline, with responses synced upon reconnection.

Advanced quotas

Establish complex quotas based on multiple survey conditions.

Enable IP blocking

Restrict access to surveys based on IP addresses to control participant eligibility.

Web intercept surveys

Intercept website visitors with surveys to gather feedback or insights.


Implement reward systems within surveys to incentivize and acknowledge respondent participation.

Security and Compliance
Protected Surveys

Enhance survey security by implementing protective measures.

Fully accessible, 508 compliant surveys

Ensure surveys are fully accessible and compliant with Section 508 accessibility standards.

HMAC-SHA1 (Single Sign-On)

Implement secure single sign-on (SSO) using HMAC-SHA1 authentication.

WCAG 2.2 level AA Compliant

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines ensuring accessibility for people with disabilities.

AODA Compliant

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, aiming to remove barriers for people with disabilities in Ontario.

GDPR Compliant

General Data Protection Regulation, EU law protecting privacy and personal data of individuals within the EU and EEA.

PHIPPA Compliant

Personal Health Information Protection Act, Ontario law governing the use of personal health information by healthcare providers.


Personal Information Protection and Electronic Documents Act, Canadian law governing the use of personal information by private sector organizations.